Sunday, March 2, 2025

Facts about Hindu Religion and Sanatana Dharma

Hindu and Hinduism|| Facts about Hindu Religion|| Sanatana Dharma   

Hindu and Hinduism 

                  Hindu religion is one of the oldest religions of the world. It is almost 5000 year old religion that exists with full acceptance by over 900 million of people all over the world. It is the 3rd largest religion after Christians and Islam. The core value of this religion is non-violence; maintain peace, cooperation and respecting all religions of the world. Hinduism is a set of disciplines and methods for living life those have been taken from Sanatana Dharma.  


                 At early there was only Sanatana dharma which means eternal truth. According to Sanatana Dharma there is only one god that is ISWAR who has many forms to serve his creations. He is almighty and capable of creating, observing and destroying the physical world.  Hinduism came in to existence when other religions started to compete it during 6th century. Like Buddhism and Sufism were then its firm competitors. The followers of Hinduism are called Hindu.     


                There is a little evidence of certain founders of Hindu religion. In addition to there were many followers and multiple developers of such religion mentioned in history and records. Many holy persons like rishis, yogis, munis, religious guru, devotees of god, and many followers has contributed towards prevailing and spreading of Hindu religion beyond India and abroad. It became popular by some famous preachers and scholars since ancient age to present time.      




Culture of Hinduism:

1.    Life style of Hindu: Life style of a Hindu is very simple and religious. All Hindu live with a set of disciplines in real life. Since early morning to late night, they follow some ritual. Mostly Hindus begin daily life by offering prayer to their concern god or goddess and end the day with same manner.    

2.    Food habits: Hindus are mostly pure vegetarian but the impact of time some of them have become non-vegetarian as well. Their foods are categorized under satwik, rajsik and tamsik.

3.    Religious belief: All Hindu certainly belief in birth and rebirth, god is almighty, supreme soul dwells in all living organism as soul, helping human kind is to helping god etc. 

4.    Hindu celebrations: Hindus celebrate many celebrations throughout year. But some famous and popular celebrations are ganesh puja, Saraswati puja, Durga puja (Dushera), Kali Puja (Deepawali/ Diwali), Sivratri, Janmastami and many regional celebrations. Apart from these other religious celebrations are Holi, Car festival of lord Jagannath, Ram Nabami, Hanumaan Jayanti, Laxmi Puja are also very popular among Hindus.

5.    Hindu Deity: Tridev (Bramha, Bishnu and mahesh), Ganesha, Hanuman, Tri Devi (Parbti, Laxmi, Saraswati) and devgan (Indra, Barun, Pawan, Agni, Surya), and graha (Budh, Sukra, Mangal, Brihspati, Sani, Rahu and Ketu ) are the part of whole universe according to puran. They all take part in smooth function of whole universe.

6.    Sect of Hinduism: Baishnav (devotees of lord Bishnu), Saiva (Devotees of Lord Shive), Shakta (Devotees of devi Durga) are some sects of Hinduism.

7.    Puja padhati: The puja process is called puja padhati. All hindu goes to temple to worship their deity. All types of puja are started by worshipping lord Ganesha at first. Priest recites some mantra (chant) and hymn in order to relate with divine power. They usually offer flowers, fruits, incense sticks, illuminate candle or oil light, to image or ideal or effigy of deity in temple.    

8.    Hindu scripture: The Vedas (Rugved, Samved, Jajurved, Atharbved), The Upanishadas (), The Bhagbat Geeta, The Ramayan, The mahabharat, Puran and shastra. These are the core value of this religion which tells principles of life.

9.    Hindu monument: Kedar Nath, Badri Nath, Rameswarm, Amarnath cave, Haridwar, Jagannath temple, Konark temple and many more temples are the famous monuments of Hindu religion.   

10.                       Famous Hindu kings: Samudra Gupta, King Ashoka, Chatrapati Sivaji, Chandragupt Mourya, Prithivraj Chauhan etc are some of the famous kings of hindu religion. They have somewhere patronized and shredded this religion.

11.                       Popular scholars of Hindu: Adi Sankaracharya, Swami Vivekananda, Dayananda Saraswati, Ramajujam, Raja Ram Mohan Roy are some of popular scholars of last centuries who have contributed for this religion to improve. Apart from them Koutilya was famous for his diplomacy and hypocrisy ideology.

12.    Hindus contribution to world: Hindu have contributed in the field of mathematics, ayurveda, Astronomy, Medicine, Surgery, Literature to the world. Zero in mathematics, yoga as exercise, susurat treatment is very popular even now a day. The philosophical concept that is dharma, karma and moksha is an amazing concept of Hindu for people.   


Weakness of Hindu: very simplicity, forgiveness, very honest, blind belief, and too much loyal with superiors are some of the weakness of Hindu people. Hindu followers never put cross questions against exploitation with them.  


Problems with Hinduism: Other religion people take advantages of Hindus’ weakness. The example was the British rule in India for more than two hundred years. Other religious gurus have manipulated the mind of Hindu.  


Restoration of Hinduism: The restoration and reformation of Hinduism is possible if the moral value of the religion can be perched among Hindu again. Hindu dharma guru and scholars must influence Hindus regarding renovation and restoration of the religion.  


Conclusion: This is one of the best religions that never go against other religion. It consider all religion is equal and of one family. That is why India is a secular country. Otherwise it is impossible to live together with multiple religious and community in a same place. So we must be proud to be part of such religion.

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Facts about Hindu Religion and Sanatana Dharma

Hindu and Hinduism|| Facts about Hindu Religion|| Sanatana Dharm a    Hindu and Hinduism                    Hindu religion is one of the...