Global Warming//Impacts of
Global Warming//Cause and Effects of Global Warming
The regular increase in temperature of
earth due to many causes such as deforestation, industrialization, use of
electronic goods, population explosion, increased number of vehicles etc. is
called global warming.
1. Deforestation: Due to human’s
self-satisfaction and some-times due to natural disaster the trees of large
forests has decreased in a terribly. As tree consumes carbon dioxide and
release oxygen through photosynthesis, it reduces the carbon dioxide level in
atmosphere and increase oxygen. Carbon dioxide keeps warmth radiate by earth
surface. This makes atmosphere hot.
2. Industrialization: Owing to expansion
of industrialization, the emission of harmful carbon dioxide and carbon
monoxide like pollutants and many more mixes in atmosphere that increases the
hotness of environment.
3. Population explosion: With the
advancement of medical science, the birth rate increases over death rate over
some decades. The more number of populations means the more quantity of carbon
dioxide breath out every second to atmosphere. It also increases the warming of
earth dramatically.
4. Vehicle: To cope up with faster world,
everybody wants to pace daily activity with the help of two-wheeler,
three-wheeler and four-wheeler and so on. Vehicle doesn’t release oxygen but
poisonous gases like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide etc.
5. Electronic goods: Some electronic goods
like refrigerator and air-conditioners release chlorofluorocarbon which
directly impact on ozone layer of atmosphere. This is a protection layer for
earth. Cause it prevents ultraviolet rays like harmful rays to come in earth’s
surface. Such rays cause various fatal diseases for human being as well as
other living organism on earth. As ozone layer is destroying day by day, the
warming in atmosphere is going up rampantly.
6. Volcano eruption: Some natural causes
like volcano eruption also add to the global warming by emitting hot gases and
ashes. That affects climate too.
7. Water vapours: The level of water vapours
increase in atmosphere as water bodies on earth gets hotter due to many
factors. As a result, global warming goes up.
Effects of Global Warming
1. Temperature rising: Due to global
warming, the temperature in atmosphere increase drastically which causes for
glaciers melt, ultimately it threats the coastal region habitats. Ground water
level also goes down in some places for this reason. So people change their
dwell under pressure.
2. Climate changes: For last century it
has been noticed various changes in climate due to global warming on earth. It
becomes critical to adapt with changing climate for human being as well as all
living beings. Many disease arise and affect accordingly.
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