Beautiful Girls versus Sexy Girls
Girls are
the females of human society. We people have named females as girl. Since birth
a girl has to pass through many stages like infancy, puberty, youth, mature,
aged and old etc. She plays roles of daughter, over, wife, sister, mother and
mother in law etc at different stages of life. According to life science some
body organs like breast for milk feeding, the sex and reproductive organ like
vagina, uterus and ovary defines a girl as female. At the stage of puberty,
some hormonal changes take place in their body. Ultimately the changing reflect
as expansion of upper back including shoulders, grown up of breasts in
attractive sphere shape, the grown up of big boll shape buttock, softness in
breasts and buttock, attractive voice, appearing hair at some sensitive body
parts, also changing voice etc. Although all these changing are natural but
they keep changing till end of life.
Bold and
beautiful stage (Girl’s fashion)
The youth
and mature age are very dashing, bold, and beautiful comparison to other stages
of their age. However it is the erotic, sensual, attractive and vigorous period
for a girl. The dynamic look reflects her bodily as well as mentally feeling
clearly. Though she may not have proper ideas about all those changes but she
loves to be in that condition and enjoy it very deeply. That’s why she loses
control over her physical and mental activities as well. Unsteady walking, erratic
sitting frequently, sexual tempting sleeping style, erotic gazing at opposite
gender of her choice, inconsistency while speaking, sudden reaction etc. are
some of the gesture and posture that show how she is different. Whereas from
outer look point of view she likes to change a lot that would make her
attractive, charming and charismatic. The gorgeous costume and bodily make up
makes her very sensory attractive.
versus Sexy girls
Her, we
are talking about the beautiful, bold, hot and sexy chapter of girls’ life.
Let’s discover how beautiful girls and sexy hot girls are different from each
other. Though beautiful girls and sexy hot girl’s lookalike from bodily
structure point of view, yet their gesture, costume, posture, communication
style, attitude and temper make them separate from one another. A beautiful girl
looks always beautiful because of her positive attitude kind heartedness,
helping nature, sober and faithful nature etc. But the sexy girls pretend to
have all qualities of a beautiful girl. In fact, they show off sensual body
wearing fashionable costume and doing facial make up to allure opposite sex.
in their philosophy
fascinating communication of sexy girl sometimes trap honest, simple person in
difficulty to achieve their target. Hence sexy girls do always have diplomatic
ideology. But beautiful girls never hurt innocent people in any circumstance.
They must have humanity philosophy towards all. However beautiful girls are
cheated many times owing to their simple and honest nature by wicked person.
But sexy girls know how to escape in adverse situation for their smartness.
Beautiful girls are broad minded while sexy girls are of selfish kind.
Beautiful girls are more responsible towards their family due to good attitude
while sexy girls don’t care about. The real beauty can listen voice of both
soul and mind before proceed any work while disgusting one always work with
diplomatic mind power only. Hence trustworthy is the reward for beautiful girls
when unfaithful tag is suitable for sexy girl.
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