Tuesday, February 25, 2025

True Love versus Physical Attraction/ How true love is different from physical attraction


True Love versus Physical Attraction/ How true love is different then physical attraction?


What is Love?

Love the word used for passion, obsession, romance, attraction and feeling for others is very pious. Since young to old, all are crazy in love affairs. At first the love enters through eyes and directly knocks at heart. So your heart beat spontaneously increases. Accordingly you enter into world of fantasy. Consequently negligence comes to you like avoid friends, family, own profession, forget duty etc. that shows you are in love. Then you would like to make many changes in you. Lovers (each of couple) would like to do excel in their behaviour, communication, and appearance. For which they wear attractive costumes, use highly scented perfumes, apply quality full deodorant etc. only to allure each other they do it. Hence they start communicating through letter writing or what’s up messaging, or face book chat or email chat and many other possible media as well. These all reflects in changing status photos in social media page. At the end the lovers like share kisses between them and finds opportunity to have physical relation soon. This is all about to-days love.


What is physical attraction?

In this modern world 99% loves are based on physical attraction. Mostly boys and girls like to exhibit their body wearing scanty dress as much as possible. The boys lust for girls untied shiny hair, rosy lips, glossy chicks, blue eyes, lioness waist, thin and tall figure. Whereas girls like boys’ tall figure, strong muscles, well educated, richness, and smartness. Lovers die for each other if they get their dream counterpart. The main objective of such love is to attain each other.


What is true love? 

The lovers show sympathy, sacrifice, honesty, affection and respect for each other. Such love is very difficult to find now a days. Infect, such true lovers never show off in relationship secret. So they don’t cross the limit of humanity. Even love affairs are pious deed for them. Kissing, hugging each other and physical relation is condemning them before marriage. Romeo and Juliet, Heer and Ranjha, Laila and Majnu; those lovers couple had pious love for each other. Above and all they consider love is god’s blessing which we should not dirt. Such love begets piece and consistency of mind.

What are the signs of modern love?

Who says old aged people don’t fall in love, actually they fall in love but nobody doubts on them. According to above fact, youths must fall in love at any age in any place in any condition. When one falls in love for first time, he or se prompts to help each other, thinking about each other, trying to come close each other. They searching opportunity to get together, meeting in secret, having too much day dream, promising itself to do a lot for him or her. Also they keep awake whole night, praising each other, whole night messing with pillow and cushion. If they can’t meet or see their lover they become sad. Lovers consider the love is superior then god.


Sexy girl versus Beautiful Girl

What are the side effects of love?

Common affair may destroy you completely, if you don’t know your lover properly. Many leave own home in love while many brings their love into home. Some do murders in love whereas many commit suicide in love. For illustration, we can take the matter of abortion of unmarried girls. The educated fools don’t worry about family for their selfishness. They even insult their parents and other family members to succeed in illegal love. Illogical love never sustains and last for no long. It breadths out very soon, if something is done against parents’ consent. This life is very precious. Hence don’t waste it for a shortest pleasure. Human life is the result of many virtue and good deeds. So I would like to tell you, beware of lust and boost true love in mind.  


True love is sacred but physical attraction is perishable pleasure only. physical relation is just like prostitution and it can not be sign of love. so true love is the best love ever.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Deforestation (Definition, Causes and Effects)


Deforestation (Definition, Causes and Effects)


The shrinking of forest area, cutting down of trees to satisfy human need is known as deforestation. It is the result of greed of people for demanding more land to build houses to establish industries, to do farming and various purposes. Since ancient time to till now the graph tells how the forest are has been decreased. It is necessary to have 35% of land area covered by forest on earth, whereas this percentage has come down in most of the land area. However good news is that still some places on earth enjoy the pure environment due to excess of forest area more than 35%. Deforestation causes many troubles like imbalance of atmosphere, soil erosion, climate change (drought, famine and flood), disturbance in biodiversity and threat to life on earth etc.


Causes of Deforestation:

1.    Agriculture land purpose: Since world population is increasing rapidly the demand for food is increasing as well. So it needs large land area to produce food crops to meet the demand of vast population of the whole world. That is why people cut down the trees to generate new plain land for cultivation. Somewhere trees are burnt in to ashes for the same purpose.

2.    Infrastructure purpose: The second most cause is constructing building, dam, road, railway, office, school and colleges etc. to make our life easier and comfortable, which require a bigger part of whole land on earth.

3.    Commercial purpose: Many factories and industries of small scale and large scale type are established day to day to improve the financial condition of any nation. So numbers of these factories and industries are multiplying speedily which shrinks the land area. Paper industry, mining projects (OCP) are some of such industries.

4.    Luxurious purpose: To lead a luxurious life, the furniture plays an important role in every home. In order to get attractive furniture, many valuable trees are cut down blindly.

5.    Natural calamity: Sometimes it is due to natural disaster like flood, cyclone, earth quake, drought, famine damage and destroys forests completely. It also contributes towards minimizing forest.


Effects of Deforestation:

1.    Imbalance of atmosphere: With decreasing of forest area the pollution in atmosphere is increasing. The amount of carbon dioxide has crossed its maximum limit which causes imbalance in atmosphere. The production of oxygen has gone down too due to deforestation. Such imbalance leads to failure of water cycle. Ultimately food chain disturbs for which life gets affected on earth. The destruction of forest consequently, increases the temperature of earth day to day causes for much fatal disease like skin cancer.

2.    Soil erosion: The tree foots held soil tightly. Hence people plant tree on both sides of road to protect soil from erosion. But as people cut tree blindly, it doesn’t help us anymore. Even a flood can wash away the soil of sensitive places and fertile lends as well.

3.    Climate change: Global warming affects our climate directly due to destruction of forest area. It changes climate of any place radically which impact on survival resources drastically. Water scarcity and food scarcity are some of results of climate change in some places on earth due to deforestation.

4.    Disturbance in biodiversity: Since beginning of earth all types of animal, birds and plants live together depending on each other. But now it becomes hard to adapt with changing climate for all living beings. So some animal and birds are almost extinct. Many plants as well as many animals are struggling to survive. All these are the negative result of deforestation.


My Opinion: 

We people are the intelligent animal on the earth. As we are the main factor for such alarming situation, we have to take care of it as well. Every barren land must be covered by forest with the help of every individual. A tree can serve many generation but we people damage it for a little selfishness. So everybody must be serious about deforestation and take a vow to create new forest.       

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Best Ideas to start fast food business in India.

 How to start fast food Retailing?  

Fast Food

Every human being need to eat in morning. Fast food has a strong impact on our physical as well as mental health. The first food we eat in morning is fast food. In whole world fast food has become a source of strong income. The healthy food keep your health healthy. Types of fast food is different in different countries, states and local areas. Doing this business one can earn profit since day one. 

Necessary of Fast food

Human body needs energy to move and function smoothly and strongly. No one can work or walk with out food. Specially in morning when we start our journey for that day, our stomach needs to be filled. Hence fast food is the best choice in this context.  

Nutritional Fast Food

Fast food must be enriched with good nutritional value. Because our body and mind get ready to work with strong energy. The boost of energy comes from highly healthy food only. Also it keeps our body disease  free. It is necessary to eat good quality fast food to maintain good health and mind.          

Fast Food Business

This can be one of the best earning resource for you.  Millions of fast food  shop owners tells about the continues and high profit margin comes out of this business. Around 25% or above margin comes from it. So you can blindly opt for such business. It comes under hotel industry. It is confirmed that every one need to eat on day break. If you start it you will definitely gain. 

Hotel Setup and Staffs Hiring

Before starting a fast food centre one should pay attention on these points. Firstly select a highly populous place for counter setup. Then decorate the hotel as per hotel industry policy. Because customer like to visit a hotel with all facilities. Hire some good assistants to serve customers in hotel. Train them well for better service to customers.


The minimum investment to start a hotel for fast food depends on types of place and population. It may be less than 50000/- in village area or small town whereas it exceeds 200000/- in urban or semi urban area or big cities. This amount is for India but for other country it differs. So you have to check in depth for real investment amount. 

Profit and Loss ratio

We have already discussed earlier about 25% of average profit on each sale. But there is also chances of losses or total losses in case of not sold. As it is a perishable product, it must be sold in time. Otherwise you may bear total loss. Hence prepare foods according to number of customers visit to your counter. Slowly expand the quantity of foods as and when required. Never serve stale food at all.    

Scale up of Business

You can grow up your business by applying some effective techniques. Firstly announce offers for customers time to time to allure them. Maintain quality and cleanliness. Remember your customers are the best advertise agent. So you have to satisfy your customer from taste and quality of food and economy price point of view.

Moreover include a new type of dish or food item in regular fast food menu that may attract more customers. Behave well with all types of customers.    


This is fastest growing business of of hotel industry. One small hotel can fulfil all your dreams if you carry on carefully.                               

Thank U   

Vegetable farming Techniques for village people of India.

 Vegetable farming Techniques// Suitable business for village people.


Vegetables farming includes different types of vegetables like purbal, bitter guard, carrot, okra, oniln, potato, salgam, bit, turnip, cucumber, pumpkin, cumin, corriendr, garlic, ginger etc.| The demad of vegetable is incrasing day by day to meed the demad of huge population on earth. some vegetbales are perishable while some are little durable in nature. 

Vegetables Farming

The fertile soil and suitable climate of earth is best place for doing vegetables farming. With out vegetables the food menu looks incomplete. You can not imagine your braekfast, lunch and dinner with out vegetables. Human need to eat for survive. Hence it is compulsory to have vegetables farming in all placeses. Almost in all countries the farmers produce different vegetables based on types of soil and climate condition.

Farming process

At first make the bad ready with the halp of a cultivator. Sow the seeds or plant the sapplings as expets guide line. Irrigate in regular interval. Also provide mannure and fertilizer time to time. Moreover apply pesticide or organic method to drive out pests to keep your plants and vegetables safe.


Due to heavey demand and incrasing price of vegetables allure people to start doing business. Also profit margin is very high. But there are some risks as well. You can do it as a retailor or as a whole seller. You can buy from farmers and sale it to consumers to earn profit as a middle man. But if you have any piece of land than cultivate and produce vegetables and than sale it with high margin.


However some times many farmers bear losses and that cause them to commit suicite. It is an alarming signal for farmers. As a farmer you should aware of climate and soil condition so that you can be in safe side. Government provides many insurance on vegetables and crops to recover losses caused by natural disaster. So you must enrole your name in that list to get loss compesation.  


Youth mas go to town for earning money. But if you can do this farming in your village land you would get higher income then your salary. Never commit suicite because your life is very precious for your family. Just follow government guide line to ensure your gain and loss recovery.

Goal Setting Ideas for beginners in 2025.

 How to set goal of life? How to set aim in life?

Life without goal is like a bird without wings. It is like sailing of boat without any specific direction. The wingless bird can reach nowhere similarly the boat without direction never reaches any seashore. If you consider the same for your life you can understand the value of setting goal or target clearly. The successful personalities in the whole world are achievers. All the achievers set goal and chase it. Finally they get success. Here we will learn the steps to follow while setting targets of life.

Be a winner not failure

Everybody likes to succeed in life from different point of view. It may be related to any responsibility of a human. You may be business man, entrepreneur, employee, political leader, spiritual teacher, housewife, father, mother, son, daughter or anybody but you want to succeed in your related field certainly. Nobody would like to fail at any cost. Still 90% people of whole world fail. Only 10% of them get success, why? The answer is very clear that winners set target and chase it and finally achieve it. But failures never think of any target that is why they remain failure throughout the life. Hence the failure is the outcome of setting no goal. People who fail to set target fails in life.

Set your goals (How to determine target?)

You must set your goal whether it may be big or small. Before you start thinking of any target you should know why you need it? If you don’t know the purpose behind a goal then you will certainly fail to achieve it. The compel story behind your target will accelerate you strongly to achieve it. Take time to understand the purpose and script it on a paper in detail. Follow these steps to set goals.

Know your core value: It means you should know what type of people you are? The types of people mean the qualities that prevail in you. The qualities may be leader, follower, hardworking, lazy, loyal, honest, simple, rigid etc. According to this opt for a long term as well as short term target.

Understand your skill and knowledge and interest: You should aware of your skill and knowledge that you have acquired through education and training. And give some priority to your interest as well before setting any target.

Know your financial and social status: You must set your goal in accordance with financial support from you and your family. Also don’t forget your influence in society that helps to get cooperation toward achieving goal.      

Design the map of goal: Place title of long term goal on the top of the sheet. It must be bold and colourful. Set maximum time to achieve it. Break the long term goal into many sub goals so that it will be easy to achieve. Also set subsequent process and time to complete each sub goals. Insert pictures of your ideas on paper. It should appear pictorial goal chart.

Cross check the goal chart: You must check the goal chart considerably. Know whether it is achievable and full fill your need. Put up question like; is it flexible to make necessary changes when required? Gets a faithful person to check your mistakes making the goal chart? Take necessary suggestion from him if need.

Final chart ready: Prepare final goal chart in pictorial format. It should be clearly visible and easy to understand. Don’t forget to mention time period for every sub goals. Arrange sub goals in chronological and subsequent order. Also insert a graph of achievements coordinate with time to complete. Get your chart printed or drawn in colourful vision. Have photo copies of it. Now your goal chart is ready to follow.

Thank you for reading and learning.  

How to achieve goals

Cause and Effects of Global Warming on Earth in detail.

Global Warming//Impacts of Global Warming//Cause and Effects of Global Warming



The regular increase in temperature of earth due to many causes such as deforestation, industrialization, use of electronic goods, population explosion, increased number of vehicles etc. is called global warming.



1.    Deforestation: Due to human’s self-satisfaction and some-times due to natural disaster the trees of large forests has decreased in a terribly. As tree consumes carbon dioxide and release oxygen through photosynthesis, it reduces the carbon dioxide level in atmosphere and increase oxygen. Carbon dioxide keeps warmth radiate by earth surface. This makes atmosphere hot.

2.    Industrialization: Owing to expansion of industrialization, the emission of harmful carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide like pollutants and many more mixes in atmosphere that increases the hotness of environment.

3.    Population explosion: With the advancement of medical science, the birth rate increases over death rate over some decades. The more number of populations means the more quantity of carbon dioxide breath out every second to atmosphere. It also increases the warming of earth dramatically.

4.    Vehicle: To cope up with faster world, everybody wants to pace daily activity with the help of two-wheeler, three-wheeler and four-wheeler and so on. Vehicle doesn’t release oxygen but poisonous gases like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide etc.

5.    Electronic goods: Some electronic goods like refrigerator and air-conditioners release chlorofluorocarbon which directly impact on ozone layer of atmosphere. This is a protection layer for earth. Cause it prevents ultraviolet rays like harmful rays to come in earth’s surface. Such rays cause various fatal diseases for human being as well as other living organism on earth. As ozone layer is destroying day by day, the warming in atmosphere is going up rampantly.    

6.    Volcano eruption: Some natural causes like volcano eruption also add to the global warming by emitting hot gases and ashes. That affects climate too.

7.    Water vapours: The level of water vapours increase in atmosphere as water bodies on earth gets hotter due to many factors. As a result, global warming goes up.

Effects of Global Warming

1.    Temperature rising: Due to global warming, the temperature in atmosphere increase drastically which causes for glaciers melt, ultimately it threats the coastal region habitats. Ground water level also goes down in some places for this reason. So people change their dwell under pressure.

2.    Climate changes: For last century it has been noticed various changes in climate due to global warming on earth. It becomes critical to adapt with changing climate for human being as well as all living beings. Many disease arise and affect accordingly.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Best between Beautiful Girls and Sexy Girls //How beautiful girls are better than sexy girls

 Beautiful Girls versus Sexy Girls

Beautiful Girls:

Girls are the females of human society. We people have named females as girl. Since birth a girl has to pass through many stages like infancy, puberty, youth, mature, aged and old etc. She plays roles of daughter, over, wife, sister, mother and mother in law etc at different stages of life. According to life science some body organs like breast for milk feeding, the sex and reproductive organ like vagina, uterus and ovary defines a girl as female. At the stage of puberty, some hormonal changes take place in their body. Ultimately the changing reflect as expansion of upper back including shoulders, grown up of breasts in attractive sphere shape, the grown up of big boll shape buttock, softness in breasts and buttock, attractive voice, appearing hair at some sensitive body parts, also changing voice etc. Although all these changing are natural but they keep changing till end of life.

Bold and beautiful stage (Girl’s fashion)

The youth and mature age are very dashing, bold, and beautiful comparison to other stages of their age. However it is the erotic, sensual, attractive and vigorous period for a girl. The dynamic look reflects her bodily as well as mentally feeling clearly. Though she may not have proper ideas about all those changes but she loves to be in that condition and enjoy it very deeply. That’s why she loses control over her physical and mental activities as well. Unsteady walking, erratic sitting frequently, sexual tempting sleeping style, erotic gazing at opposite gender of her choice, inconsistency while speaking, sudden reaction etc. are some of the gesture and posture that show how she is different. Whereas from outer look point of view she likes to change a lot that would make her attractive, charming and charismatic. The gorgeous costume and bodily make up makes her very sensory attractive.

Beautiful versus Sexy girls

Her, we are talking about the beautiful, bold, hot and sexy chapter of girls’ life. Let’s discover how beautiful girls and sexy hot girls are different from each other. Though beautiful girls and sexy hot girl’s lookalike from bodily structure point of view, yet their gesture, costume, posture, communication style, attitude and temper make them separate from one another. A beautiful girl looks always beautiful because of her positive attitude kind heartedness, helping nature, sober and faithful nature etc. But the sexy girls pretend to have all qualities of a beautiful girl. In fact, they show off sensual body wearing fashionable costume and doing facial make up to allure opposite sex.

Difference in their philosophy

Manufactured fascinating communication of sexy girl sometimes trap honest, simple person in difficulty to achieve their target. Hence sexy girls do always have diplomatic ideology. But beautiful girls never hurt innocent people in any circumstance. They must have humanity philosophy towards all. However beautiful girls are cheated many times owing to their simple and honest nature by wicked person. But sexy girls know how to escape in adverse situation for their smartness. Beautiful girls are broad minded while sexy girls are of selfish kind. Beautiful girls are more responsible towards their family due to good attitude while sexy girls don’t care about. The real beauty can listen voice of both soul and mind before proceed any work while disgusting one always work with diplomatic mind power only. Hence trustworthy is the reward for beautiful girls when unfaithful tag is suitable for sexy girl. 


Girls are the beautiful butterflies of world-wide garden. The marvellous creation of creator on earth is the charming of society. I have high regard and admiration for them as they give birth to offspring. Owing to her, we are here on earth of light and excitement. They are valuable in all character they go throughout life span. Since childhood to old age all believe and expect softness in their behaviour and actions. So they must maintain it in all circumstance. Otherwise there would be hell like situation on earth. At the same time all gents must have positive attitude towards them, whether they are beautiful or sexy by nature. After all they belong to same planet. A sexy girl can be beautiful as well by changing her attitude to add some more beauty to this world. Some girls feel proud of being beautiful but remember it may ruin you. 

Valentine Day celebration in India// How to celebrate valentine day// ban on valentine

Valentine Day Special

The day of romance and love for lovers and couples is celebrated almost all part of the world. Especially it is a celebration of Christians. But now it has crossed its boundary to every community and religion world-wide.

History of Valentine Day

The roman king Cladious II has killed two saints named valentine on 14th February in separate years. The people of roman observe them day as martyr Valentine’s Day since then.


Present scenario of valentine day

The meaning of the names of martyr valentine is spread love. So according to the meaning of valentine the present world celebrate it. But the purpose of the celebration has been changed from sacred love to romantic love.


The love definition has been recognized as physical attraction and filth sexual desire between lovers. Almost all lovers celebrate it with romantic feeling and enjoy enthusiastically.  


Controversy for Valentine’s Day

It is a Christian celebration so there is no objection for Valentine’s Day in Christian populous country. But the countries like India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and many more don’t allow celebrating such festivals in their society. Because their culture is religious based and pious, hence they don’t like to destroy it.   


Hell with youth

This is one type of punishment for youth. Cause it hampers their career badly. The propaganda of such celebration is just for business only but without any moral value for society. If there will be no restriction for unmarried couple, it would devastate the social system of society.


Suitable celebration for Married Couple

It is one of the best celebrations for married couple that can enhance their love and married life. The actual romance is possible when a couple get into married. They have the actual right to enjoy having physical relation. Also this celebration gives a strong foundation to their family life.



I would suggest all youth to avoid such celebration that ruins your career. So be a source of earning first and then get married. After that you can enjoy your life as you like. Thank you.    

Facts about Hindu Religion and Sanatana Dharma

Hindu and Hinduism|| Facts about Hindu Religion|| Sanatana Dharm a    Hindu and Hinduism                    Hindu religion is one of the...