Village Business Ideas
All types of buying and selling of goods and services in village area is known as village business. There are many small business that you can start at your home in village to earn money. It may be productions of crops and vegetables, dairy products, animal husbandry, poultry farming etc. The peole of urban area depend on village for food crops and vegetables. You can produce many home made products like food items (snacks, pickle, Biscuits), small scale industries that needs a nominal investment (set up of grinding machine, edible oil extraction machine etc.), flower production and selling, medicinal plants (Basils, Aelovera, Neem etc.) growing and selling to pharmacy, Birds rearing, Mashroom production and many more . Let us discuss all about business that you can start at village.
Plant food and Live stock food
The plants are the main source of food for all animals including human on earth. All types of plant that we take as food comes under food plants. secondly the live stock that human take their flesh as food comes under livestock.
First and formost earning source is crops production through cultivation in land. Which is only possible in village area. Peddy, Wheat, Millet and other cereals comes in this list. Which have high demand allover world. Sugarcane is another types of economic crops which has high conjumption rate. Apart from these you can focus on spices (cumin, corriender, turmetic, mustard, garlic, ginger etc.) production and selling as well.
Oil seeds
Oil seed like sunflower, peanuts, mustard etc are very wellknown economic crops. One can do such business and earn money. Having set up a small oil extraction machine at home you can start oil production and sell it in market.
Vegetables and fruits farming
Vegetables demand is increasing day by day. So you can start this business as well. The increasing price helps to multiply profit with no time. Pure vegetables has serious demand in maekt. Organic farming is only way to produce pure vegetables. According to soil standard and availablity of water for irrigation you can opt for vegetables production. Try to sale your products in retail as much as possible to get high profit. Many fruits like mango, jak fruit, guava, barries, banana, apple, orange, appricot, pomegranate, nuts etc can be a suitable source of earning as well.
Poultry farming and animal husbandry
This is another source of income that you can do in village area. The gain margin is very good in this business. As we know the second most food comes from animals, we can do it as busienss. Rearing of birds and animal husbandry in village area is very easy and lucarative. However it is also risky to have live stocks because of high mortality rate. But there is various vaccine available that you should apply in time to keep those stocks alive.
Mannure, Pesticide, Cultivator, Seeds and Sappling selling
The selling of Fertilizer, mannure, pesticide, cultivator, thressor, and other machines can bring you a good opportunity to earn. These things have high demand for cultivation. Farming can not be imagined with out thease to days. So it can be a good idea for village business. Farmers use such products to multiply production and keep safe from destruction. Hence it is a reliable and profitable business for village people. Also you can sale seeds and sapplings to earn money.
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